Affordable Housing

Closed4 Sep, 2024, 07:00 - 13 Oct, 2024, 18:00


Survey Questions – Affordable Housing 

Galway County Council is committed to delivering affordable housing under the "Housing for All" Plan.  We are now conducting an online survey to determine the level and profile of demand for affordable housing in the County of Galway.  This is a provisional survey only. This is not an application process for affordable housing. 

Please refer to for further information on affordable housing. 


Important Information 

  • Completion of the Survey does not imply eligibility or convey approval in any form, to a future offer of affordable housing by Galway County Council. 

  • This is not a waiting list and will not determine priority. 

  • The data submitted by you as part of this submission, will be confidential and used solely in determining how best to deliver affordable housing. 

  • The data will be present in anonymised summary format only. 



The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.