Portumna Town Trail

Closed27 Nov, 2024, 15:46 - 23 Jan, 2025, 20:02


Portumna Town Trail Join us for a Co-Design Workshop

Irish Workhouse Centre, St. Brigid’s Road, Portumna, Co. Galway, H53EK74

Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 12pm-1.30pm or 7pm-8.30pm


OBFA Architects have been appointed by Galway County Council to produce the Portumna Town Trail Map and Strategy by March 2025.

OBFA’s role is to Collate, Condense and Communicate key existing strategies on behalf of the wider stakeholder group including residents, businesses, and visitors to the town.  We have been consulting other stakeholders including Galway County Council, Waterways Ireland, OPW, Coillte, Failte Ireland, Inland Fisheries and others to capture information relevant to the project.


Our key work is to:

  • Map 20 key sites into four themed quadrants of the town trail (identifying key trail hubs within) – producing a user-friendly graphic map that can be used and shared by all.
  • Host Co-Design Workshops on 23rd January 2025 to get public feedback and identify high level Design Principles for the trail over the years ahead.
  • List key strategic commissions and infrastructure projects 2025-2030 which will develop alongside and within the trail.
  • Identify best practice for commissioning art/public works at the sites in question, within a wider project group led by Galway County Council 2025-2030.


Come along to the workshops, and share your ideas for Portumna in the years ahead.

No registration required.  Tea/coffee will be provided.


For further queries please contact office@obfa.ie