Landowners seeking land-use zoning change (For Landowners only)

Closed1 Feb, 2024, 09:00 - 31 May, 2024, 16:00

Landowners seeking land-use zoning change (For Landowners only)

Please confirm if you are seeking to request a land use zoning change from A1 Existing Residential, A2 New Residential, C1 Mixed Use, B1 Commercial / Town or Village Centre to another land use zoning. Please refer to Section 6 the Development Plan Guidelines for Local Authorities which refers to land use zoning considerations.

RZLT Submission for Rezoning of lands from Residential to Mixed use     1. Parcel ID: G2331600031 2. Parcel ID: G2331600014 Herd Number [REDACTED...
We are writing to the Galway County Council to approve the change the land on the map outlined in red with an x from the Residential Zoned Land Tax back into agricultural zoned land. There are a...