Section 38 - L6182 Corrandrum - Traffic Calming - Outcomes

Closed20 Apr, 2023, 09:00 - 26 May, 2023, 12:00

Primary tabs

The consultation

Consultation completed

Your views and suggestions



Publication of Decision

Please be advised that a decision has been made by the A/Director of Services, Infrastructure and Operations, Fire and Emergency Services, by virtue of the powers conferred on him by the Local Government Act 2001, and having considered the submissions made during public consultation, to order the adoption of the proposed S38 Road Traffic Act measures at L6182 Corrandrum, with modifications.

The modifications are outlined in the following drawings:

10811-1020-01 Rev K

10811-1020-02 Rev K

10811-1020-03 Rev K

10811-1020-04 Rev K

10811-1020-05 Rev K.

Dated 12th January 2024.