Image of Liam CarrollGalway County Council’s first Draft Climate Action Plan represents a blueprint for a sustainable and resilient future for the County of Galway. The draft plan sets out 97 climate actions across the areas of governance and leadership, energy, built environment, transport, communities and partnerships and the natural environment. The plan recognises that climate action is a collective responsibility that affects every aspect of our lives and will involve public bodies, individuals, communities, and businesses throughout the county.

Ireland has committed to play its part in the global efforts to stop climate change and, in so doing, harness the opportunities and rewards that will come from moving quickly to a low-carbon society. Through this Climate Action Plan, Galway County Council is setting out its roadmap for 2024 – 2029 which will enable us to support this commitment.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we recognise the unique challenges faced by different sectors. Galway County Council is committed to ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from these transformative actions. This Climate Action Plan is a call to action and a promise of hope. It reflects our collective resolve to protect our environment, support our communities, and ensure a prosperous and sustainable future.



As the Chief Executive of Galway County Council, I am pleased to introduce our draft Climate Action Plan 2024 to 2029 which has been co-created with stakeholders including young people, community and public representatives, local businesses, public bodies, and our own staff. Their valuable input was instrumental in shaping the strategies detailed in this document. We also wish to acknowledge the considerable support of the Climate Action Regional Office and the City and County Managers Association in the development of the draft plan.

The draft plan outlines our vision of a climate-resilient, biodiversity-rich and sustainable economy which will help to ensure a safe future for all those who live, work, and visit our county. It sets out how the Council will work to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiencies in its own buildings and operations while reducing the risks associated with climate change. Progress on the plan will be monitored by dedicated staff across the organisation who will report to and be guided by the Management Team, the Climate Action and Biodiversity Strategic Policy Committee and Elected Representatives.

Targeted emission reduction measures and initiatives in the Aran Islands Decarbonising Zone will build on the extensive work already underway by the local community. The lessons learned here and in other Decarbonising Zones across the country will be shared with other communities. The Council will support local groups to implement similar actions through programmes such as the Community Climate Action Fund.

Whilst Galway County Council has taken significant strides in progressing its climate actions, it is imperative that we continue to show leadership in the area and build on these actions over the coming years. Being able to turn these commitments into real action requires effort, but together with the people of the County of Galway, we will be able to help drive positive change both now and in the future.