4. Our Climate Actions
Strategic Goals, Objectives and Actions have been identified under the following themes to deliver on the Vision and Mission:
Governance and Leadership
Energy and Built Environment
Communities and Enterprise
Circular Economy
Land Use and Green Infrastructure
Adaptation to Climate Risk
4.1. Governance and Leadership
Strategic Goal
Foster strong governance and leadership to drive climate action and ensure resilience.
Effective governance and leadership at Local Authority level requires the formulation and implementation of policies, regulations, and strategies to ensure a clear pathway towards our climate objectives. This Plan will align all services, policies, and projects of Galway County Council with existing international, national, and regional Climate policy, and will further mainstream climate thinking into the culture of Galway County Council.
Leadership in climate change requires long-term vision and planning whilst recognising the framework within which the Local Authority functions. In that regard, seeking to create collaborations with other public bodies and stakeholders is crucial to enabling other sectors within County Galway to meet their climate objectives. We will work to ensure that the appropriate resources, both human and financial, are secured to enable positive climate action to take place and seek to ensure that available funding sources are maximised.
Galway County Council Energy Use
Galway County Council has a dedicated Energy Management Team in place. This multidisciplinary team is led by an Energy Performance Officer and includes a dedicated Energy Manager and a Fleet Manager. The team works to identify and deliver energy efficiencies across Council operations and buildings. The Energy Management team is in the process of developing an ISO 50001 compliant Energy Management System which will support the identification of projects and funding streams to deliver the Councils 2030 energy targets. The team is supported by the Regional Energy Bureau and local Energy Bureau Officer.
Social Housing Retrofits
All new social houses are developed to Near Zero Energy Building Standard, and the upgrade of existing social housing stock is underway. The Government launched a revised ten-year Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Programme for social housing upgrades in 2021. The revised programme provides significant upscaling in the levels of funding in line with the Programme for Government commitments; and focuses on ensuring that the fabric of the home is upgraded, and an energy efficient heating system is provided. This enables local authorities to move to a ‘deeper retrofit’ programme. The retrofit works result in significant savings for Council tenants and more comfortable homes. The Council will continue to carry out social housing retrofits in line with Government funding allocations. Funding levels under this programme are expected to increase annually to deliver a total of 36,500 social houses nationally, retrofitted to BER B2 or equivalent, by 2030.
Green Public Procurement
Green Public Procurement (GPP) is a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle. Under the National Climate Action Plan, all procurement using public funds must include green criteria. By undertaking GPP Local Authorities and public bodies will harness their significant buying power to help shape Ireland’s transition to a sustainable and carbon-neutral economy and society. Galway County Council is in the process of developing a Green Public Procurement Strategy.
Staff Awareness & Training
In partnership with the CAROs and the Local Authority Services National Training Group (LASTNG), climate action training continues to be rolled out for the entire local authority sector, including elected representatives, to empower and upskill staff to act as leaders on climate action. In addition to this, there is regular climate action awareness messaging through internal Council communication channels.
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 1. Governance and Leadership
Objective GL 1 Establish effective governance and leadership practices that facilitate the successful implementation of the Plan. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action GL 1.1 Continue to develop and support the Climate Action Steering Group, Climate Action Team, and Energy Team within Galway County Council. Ensure the Climate Action Unit is adequately resourced. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team | Number of staff in place; Minuted meetings - Steering Group (Biannual), Climate Action Team (Quarterly), Energy Team (Quarterly) | Both |
Action GL 1.2 Build expertise within the GCC Management Team, Climate Action Steering Group, Climate Action Team, Energy Team, Climate Ambassadors, Elected Members and Staff by identifying training needs and organising relevant training. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team, GCC Human Resources | Annual training plan prepared and completed. | Both |
Action GL 1.3 Develop and approve annual Climate Action Implementation Plans to support delivery of Climate Action Plan. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team | Annual work programme developed and completed; | Both |
Objective GL 2 Implement effective energy management and projects across Galway County Council assets aligned with 2030 targets and net zero trajectory. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action GL 2.1 Obtain and maintain ISO50001 Energy Management certification by Q4 2024. Establish data management system. Provide adequate funding and resources to achieve target of 51% reduction in energy-related emissions, 51% reduction in thermal emissions, and 50% improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Management Team | ISO50001 achieved. ISO50001 maintained. Data management system in place. Energy reductions achieved in line with target. | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.2 Approve and implement annual retrofit programme for GCC buildings under the SEAI Pathfinder Programme and Community Energy Grant Scheme. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team, GCC Corporate Services | Annual CO2 saving; € grant received; kWh of installed renewable energy | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.3 Enable staff to utilise practical lower-carbon options for undertaking business travel through provision of electric bikes and vehicles, carpooling, etc. Support the uptake of remote working and online conferencing tools to reduce commuting and business travel. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team, GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Fleet Management Strategy developed and implemented. | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.4 Conduct feasibility study and integration of renewable alternative fuel options for Galway County Council vehicle fleet ensuring appropriate regard is had to the sustainability of sourced alternative fuels. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Completion of Assessment | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.5 Prepare, approve and implement a Fleet Management Strategy in line with LA Re-Imagining Transport Study while ensuring sustainability criteria are appropriately considered during procurement processes. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team, GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Fleet Management Strategy developed and implemented. | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.6 Continue the programme of upgrading of public lighting within County Galway to energy efficient lighting systems while having due regard to the impact of light on biodiveristy. | 31/12/2029 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Annual CO2 saving; 100% public lighting LED by 2030 | Mitigation |
Action GL 2.7 Continue to make energy efficiency retrofits to social housing under the DHLGH-supported Energy Retrofit Programme having due regard to biodiversity and the need to appropriately conserve protected structures. | 31/12/2029 | GCC Housing Department | Number and % of houses retrofitted | Mitigation |
Objective GL 3 Integrate climate action into the local authority’s policies, plans, strategies and functions. Ensure prioritisation of the decarbonisation zone. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action GL 3.1 Encourage and facilitate internal Climate Action initiatives and campaigns including water conservation, energy management, habitat creation and waste management. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number of initiatives; Energy Saved; Waste Reductions; Water Usage Decreased | Mitigation |
Action GL 3.2 Support the development, implementation and sharing of best practice in relation to Green Public Procurement. Develop a Sustainable Wood Procurement Strategy and overall Green Public Procurement Strategy through the Cities4Forests Programme. Develop a monitoring and reporting tool to ensure GPP is embedded into all procurement. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Management Team | GPP Strategy Developed; Monitoring and Reporting Tool Developed | Mitigation |
Action GL 3.3 Establish a baseline inventory of the embodied carbon emissions associated with the construction materials used in Galway County Council projects, such as roads, bridges, etc. Determine a feasible target for reducing the embodied carbon emissions. Implement measures to achieve the target. Where feasible, include estimated potential reductions in emissions as a result of the project in the calculation. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Environment Section | Establish baseline inventory, set target and identify meansures to achieve the target. | Mitigation |
Action GL 3.4 Commit that new public housing and buildings incorporate the principles of climate action in terms of design, services and amenities with careful consideration in the choice of materials, roof types (i.e. green roofs), water conservation, taking advantage of solar gain/passive housing, the provision of low-carbon and renewable energy technologies and public transport infrastructure such as bus stops and shelters as appropriate to the scale of the development. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team | All designs reviewed for potential climate actions | Both |
Action GL 3.5 Advance the implementation of climate-related objectives in the County Development Plan and Local Authority Renewable Energy Strategy. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | CDP and LARES Climate Actions Progressed | Both |
Action GL 3.6 Review draft internal and external plans that arise during the lifetime of the Climate Action Plan and advise on the integration of climate mitigation and adaptation measures where appropriate. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Climate action integrated into all new plans and policies. | Both |
Action GL 3.7 In implementing this County Galway Climate Action Plan, ensure compliance with Galway County Development Plan 2022-2028 and local area plan objectives and policies relating to environmental management, the protection of statutory Conservation Areas and ensure compliance with specific environmental management measures relating to this Plan. Landuse plans and projects arising from this Climate Action Plan will be underpinned by Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment, and Ecological Impact Assessments as relevant. Galway County Council will take account of any relevant recommendations in the EPA State of Our Environment Report 2024, once published, in implementing the Galway Climate Action Plan over its lifetime. Galway County Council will consider any relevant updated actions, measures or recommendations that may arise in updates to the National Climate Action Plan over the lifetime of the Plan. | Ongoing | GCC Management Team | Both | |
Action GL 3.8 Seek national guidance on the development of Carbon Budgets and Accounting for actions/objectives in GCC plans to ensure consistency with the sectoral carbon targets. Seek national guidance on long-term multi-decade sea level rise and consider as part of long-term land use planning, including in the development of the next iteration of the County Development Plan. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section, GCC Planning Section | National guidance obtained. Carbon budgets and sea level rise considered in relevant GCC plans. | Adaptation |
Objective GL 4 Facilitate climate action throughout the county, by engaging and collaborating with stakeholders and citizens in the development, implementation and review of the Local Authority Climate Action Plan, and provide them with information and support. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action GL 4.1 Establish a network of stakeholders and ensure ongoing communication. Cultivate and actively participate in partnerships with regional local authorities and public bodies, enterprise, community, voluntary sectors, third level institutions and the research community. Maximise on potential funding streams for the county and work in partnership to develop and implement Climate Action projects and initiatives. Continue to support existing projects including LEAP, CONNECTED, Cities4Forests etc. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Stakeholder network established; Number of projects in place | Both |
4.2. Energy and Built Environment
Strategic Goal
Energy and Built Environment: Transform to low-carbon, resilient and sustainable energy and buildings, enhancing the well-being of our community.
Built Environment - To decarbonise the built environment by supporting and facilitating improvements in the energy efficiency and reductions in the greenhouse gas emissions of existing and new residential, commercial and public buildings.
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 2. Energy and Built Environment
Objective EB 1 Support the development of renewable energy sources, such as offshore wind only, solar, tidal, and biomass in suitable locations. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action EB 1.1 Support renewable energy research and development at the commercial and community scale whilst advocating and exerting influence to ensure such projects promote climate action co-benefits and do not contravene relevant environmental protection requirements. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | MW of renewable energy in the County | Mitigation |
Action EB 1.2 Conduct a feasibility study to identify and assess the potential areas and sources for district heating in the county. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Environment Section | Study Completed | Mitigation |
Objective EB 2 Ensure the integration of climate action in spatial planning to enable County Galway to transition to a low carbon and resilient society. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action EB 2.1 Assess the feasibility of a policy requiring planning applications to include an assessment of the embodied carbon emissions associated with the proposed development and options for nature-based solutions and biodiversity enhancement, using a standardised and consistent methodology. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | Study Completed | Mitigation |
Action EB 2.2 Communicate details of case studies and guidance on the upgrade of traditional building to promote as exemplar, ensuring appropriate guidance is provided on the protection of architectural and heritage value and protected species associated with such buildings during upgrade works. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | Case studies available; Communication programme implemented. | Both |
Objective EB 3 Reduce urban sprawl and encourage compact and transit-oriented development that maximises the use of green infrastructure. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action EB 3.1 The provision of public Waste Water Treatment Plants in towns and villages that are not currently served is vital to facilitate compact and sustainable growth. Support Uisce Éireann and the national government to prioritise locations and seek funding for provision of these services. | 31/12/2029 | GCC Management Team | Number of towns/villages served by public wwtp | Both |
Action EB 3.2 Encourage the upgrade of existing residential and commercial properties to promote sustainable compact growth and regeneration having due regard to biodiversity and the need to appropriately conserve protected structures. | Ongoing | GCC Community and Rural Development | Number of buildings upgraded |
Both |
4.3. Transport
Strategic Goal
Transport: Support the provision and uptake of sustainable mobility solutions.
Transitioning towards a more sustainable transport systems is one of the major challenges facing Irish society. Approximately 18% of Ireland’s GHG emissions are associated with transport, the figure for County Galway is similar at 16%. The primary source of the transport sector's GHG emissions come from the burning of diesel and petrol in combustion engines. There is a high dependence on private passenger cars, which are responsible for the largest share of transport GHG emissions in County Galway at approximately 57%. How we choose to travel for work, education, shopping and leisure has a big impact on Ireland’s and the County of Galway’s GHG emissions.
The National Transport Strategy is framed around the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach: reducing or avoiding the need for travel, shifting to public transport, walking and cycling and improving the energy efficiency of vehicles. The transport-related actions within this Plan will support the uptake of active travel and public travel options and enable the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the county. Additionally, the promotion of sustainable travel and road safety initiatives can improve the safety of the roads and improve air quality in towns and villages throughout the county.
Photo source: Tourism Ireland
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 3. Transport
Objective TR 1 Support active travel and modal shift to advance sustainable, accessible, and safe mobility. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action TR 1.1 Complete Transportation Modelling across the county based on a sustainable transport and smarter travel approach. Develop and implement Local Transportation Plans for Tuam, Athenry, Loughrea, Gort and East Galway Suburbs. Implement the adopted Ballinasloe Local Transport Plan. Complete Community Transport Studies for Headford, Clifden, Kinvara, Oughterard, Portumna and Maigh Cuilinn. Prepare traffic management plans. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Number of plans completed. | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.2 Develop County Walking and Cycling Strategy. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Strategy developed | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.3 Identify opportunities for reallocation of existing road space to promote active travel and improve public space and implement related projects. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | km of road reallocation identified and implemented. | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.4 Work with communities to identify potential active travel, greenway and public transport projects and support modal shift. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Environment Section, GCC Community and Rural Development | Number of areas / projects identified and implemented | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.5 Support and promote community mobility schemes including bike share schemes, mobility hubs, bike libraries, community EV carsharing and EV charging, carpooling, and community taxis. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section, GCC Urban and Rural Regeneration Team, GCC Community and Rural Development | Number of projects supported/developed | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.6 Design and deliver new and improved road crossings, cycle lanes and walkways giving priority to disabled users, pedestrians and cyclists. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | # of crossing delivered; number and km of cycle lanes per annum; number and km of walkways per annum | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.7 Ensure adequate road maintenance for active travel users. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Annual maintenance programme developed and completed. | Both |
Action TR 1.8 Support the Safer Routes to Schools programme and School Streets Initiative, providing education and training on cycle buses and walking buses. Investigate the feasibility of infrastructure requests from Walkability Audits and Cyclability audits carried out by Green Schools and others. Collaborate with Green Schools Travel Team to support Active Travel Initiatives including ‘no-idling’ campaigns and Park ‘n’ Stride schemes. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | # of schools with measures implemented. | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.9 Expand the greenway network in the County establishing linkages with towns and villages in line with the strategic national cycle network and best practice requirements in the accompanying SEA, ER and NIS. | 31/12/2029 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Total km Greenway | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.10 Conduct a comprehensive feasibility assessment, including safety, environmental, and cost considerations, for the potential implementation of Dutch-style roundabouts within Galway County Council's transportation infrastructure. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Assessment completed | Mitigation |
Action TR 1.11 Engage with public transport providers to support enhanced public transport outcomes including rural bus and train service expansion and service interconnectivity. Support public transport providers to estimate emission reductions resulting from increased public services. | 31/12/2029 | Multiple Partners | Number of engagements | Mitigation |
Objective TR 2 Support the development and use of low-carbon technologies such as electric vehicles and low-carbon fuels. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action TR 2.1 Work with the Roads and Transport Dept and regional LAs/CARO to develop and implement a Regional EV Strategy. Identify locations required to meet relevant national targets and ensure no blackspots. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Strategy developed and number of EV chargers required identified. Chargers installed at identified locations. | Mitigation |
Action TR 2.2 Support the roll out of EV infrastructure in the county in line with the strategy including submission of applications for ZEVI programmes, incorporation of EV infrastructure in streetscape design and requiring EV in new developments. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Level of coverage of EV chargers in line with Strategy |
Mitigation |
4.4. Communities and Partnership
Strategic Goal
Communities and Partnership: Empower and support climate action across society ensuring a just transition to a low carbon and resilient future.
Communities are key to tackling biodiversity loss and driving down emissions
Public Submission
The national Climate Action Plan 2023 states that delivering on our climate ambition requires the Government and citizens of Ireland, to come together in a strengthened ‘social contract’ for climate action and the co-creation of real solutions to climate change, that are meaningful, inclusive, fair, and accessible for all.
Climate action is growing across different sectors of Irish society as we become more aware of the risks associated with climate change. Local communities and partnerships are key to achieving the County of Galway’s GHG emissions targets and the objectives of this Climate Action Plan.
Creating opportunities for community engagement and partnerships are essential in generating new and impactful climate action projects and initiatives. A significant objective of this Climate Action Plan is to create community awareness, engagement, and motivation to act in relation to the challenges presented by climate change.
The community and partnerships actions identified in this Climate Action Plan will promote community engagement in a manner that promotes mutual learning and establishes meaningful opportunities to find new ways to adapt to and mitigate against the challenges posed by climate change. This Plan aims not just to inform about probable futures relating to climate change but also to enable, empower, and support communities to take positive climate action in a way that is inclusive, fair, and equitable.
By recognising different capacities and starting points, the community and partnerships actions aim to develop knowledge and build capacity to accelerate processes of change by supporting and empowering communities, enterprises, and individuals to develop new skills and access the resources necessary to partake in climate action.
Engaging and empowering communities can make it possible to realise the multiple opportunities that a transition to a carbon-neutral society and economy presents, such as new sustainable careers, warmer more energy-efficient homes, better travel options, more sustainable consumer choice, integrated spatial planning, cleaner air and water and a better environment for future generations.
By continuing to demonstrate leadership on Climate Action, and actively engaging with communities on climate action, the Council hopes to increase collaboration with communities for positive change in various aspects of community life.
The aim of the Community Climate Action Fund is to help support and build low carbon communities. This funding is part of the National Community Climate Action Programme, which aims to support projects and initiatives that facilitate community climate action through education, capacity building and learning by doing. Community projects eligible for funding will address the following five themes:
- Community Energy Projects
- Travel
- Food and waste
- Shopping and recycling
- Local climate and environmental action
Galway County Council has appointed a dedicated Community Climate Action Officer to guide and support communities to develop projects and initiative.
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 4. Communities and Partnership
Objective CP 1 Support communities, enterprises, and individuals to access the capacity, skills, and investment necessary to accelerate climate action. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action CP 1.1 Support Community Action in the areas of community energy projects, travel, shopping and recycling, environmental action and food and waste including community gardens. Administer Community Climate Action Fund and support communities in the implementation of the projects. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number and type of projects supported and implemented | Both |
Action CP 1.2 Establish a training, information and support programme for individuals, community groups and community event organisers on Climate Action and Biodiversity. Ensure that the programme takes into account the needs of persons with disabilities, vulnerable groups and those at risk from climate change. Carry out annual training programme. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Environment Section | Annual calendar of activities developed from January to December each year. # of activities promoted. | Both |
Action CP 1.3 Establish network of communities to disseminate information from the DZ areas across the country (CONNECTED Project). Work in partnership with the PPN to encourage and support climate action in the community. Consider the inclusion of additional categories related to Climate Action in the Cathaoirleach Awards. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Environment Section | Number and Types of Projects Implemented | Both |
Action CP 1.4 Include ‘Sustainability and Climate Change’ scoring on relevant grant assessments to ensure that community groups/ stakeholders consider and incorporate Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in all their grant-funded activities. | Ongoing | GCC Community and Rural Development | Develop scoring matrix. | Both |
Action CP 1.5 Engage with the GAA ‘Green Club Programme’ on sustainability and climate action projects. | 31/12/2029 | GCC Environment Section | Number of projects supported | Both |
Action CP 1.6 Develop and Implement a Signage Strategy highlighting, educating and encouraging Climate Action. | 31/12/2024 | Multiple Partners | Development of Signage Strategy. Signage Erected. | Both |
Action CP 1.7 Support the SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities Program and the development and updating of Energy Master Plans. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number of Energy Masterplans Supported. | Mitigation |
Action CP 1.8 Encourage and support low carbon events including external events requiring permissions of GCC. Develop guidelines for events and a checklist to be incorporated into event licensing. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Environment Section | Guidelines and checklist developed. | Mitigation |
Action CP 1.9 Encourage Climate Action within Creative Arts programmes and support relevant projects. | Ongoing | GCC Community and Rural Development | Number of projects implemented | Both |
Action CP 1.10 Support businesses to become more aware of their climate responsibilities and risks, as well as the commercial opportunities arising from sustainability and evolving consumer sentiment. Support businesses to carry out energy assessments and complete sustainability plans. | 31/12/2024 | LEO | No of businesses that avail of the LEO's 'Green for Business' and 'Energy Efficiency Grant' supports; Number of training events delivered. | Both |
Action CP 1.11 Advance the implementation of climate-related objectives and actions in the Tourism Strategy. | Ongoing | GCC Community and Rural Development | Climate related initiatives implemented | Both |
Action CP 1.12 Support the Green Schools initiative and enable an increase in the number of schools actively participating | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number of supporting interventions / Number of Schools | Both |
Objective CP 2 Foster social inclusion and cohesion by engaging diverse stakeholders and promoting a just transition to a low-carbon economy. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action CP 2.1 Actively seek funding through the ‘EU Just Transition Fund’ programme with a focus on Climate Action measures. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Community and Rural Development | Amount of funding awarded. Number of projects implemented. | Both |
Action CP 2.2 Develop and implement an updated Local Economic and Community Plan ensuring climate change is factored into the Plan’s development. | Ongoing | GCC Community and Rural Development | Plan adopted. Annual reports developed. | Both |
4.5. Circular Economy
Strategic Goal
Circular Economy: Promote and support a circular economy to reduce waste, conserve resources and enhance sustainability.
Transitioning from traditional linear economic models to a more circular economy, is a priority for the EU and Ireland. Increasing population and prosperity, results in increasing consumption of the earths finite resources and this has environmental and climate impacts. A circular economy maximises the use of resources, products, and assets, and minimises resource consumption and wastage in all forms. This is in contrast to the traditional linear take-make-use- dispose production and consumption approach, which is unsustainable. A transition to a circular economy will not only conserve resources, but also reduces environmental and climate impacts. It will foster innovation and thereby increase competitiveness and create new jobs. Everyone can play a part by choosing how we consume and use resources, and by reusing, recycling and minimising waste in our daily lives.
Key national objectives are to minimise the amount of waste we produce, maximising the value of materials that are already in use, and reuse and repair as much as possible. The Council will work to support targets in The National Waste Plan for a Circular Economy 2023-2029 by promoting, encouraging, and facilitating high levels of recycling and reuse, and by providing Civic Amenity sites and a network of bring banks across the County. The Council will also support various waste reduction/repair & reuse / circular economy initiatives in partnership with stakeholders and will continue to collaborate with the Regional Waste Planning Office and national bodies to promote waste prevention and circular economy related campaigns at a local level. The Council in its role as a Waste Regulator will continue to work to improve compliance with waste legislation.
The success of Circular Economy and Resource Management Policies and Plans relies on behavioural change. As a society and individually, we need to become more aware of the links between our own daily choices and activities, and the impact on the environment.
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 5. Circular Economy
Objective CE 1 Support communities, businesses and individuals to reduce the generation of waste and increase the quantity of waste reused and recycled. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action CE 1.1 Support circular initiatives such as prevention, reuse, repair and recycling of resources. Support the development of cooperative, community-owned and other collaborative ventures to foster more effective use and sharing of resources. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number of initiatives supported | Mitigation |
Action CE 1.2 Implement a pilot project focused on reducing single-use coffee cup consumption with the aim of subsequently scaling successful strategies across the county. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Pilot project implemented | Mitigation |
Action CE 1.3 Implement initiatives to continue to reduce, reuse and recycle waste across the county in partnership with the private sector e.g. increased number of public recycling bins and Civic Amenity sites, increased number of water fountains, expanded textile/glass collection. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Environment Section | Number and type of initiatives supported | Mitigation |
Action CE 1.4 Assess Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plans for proposed developments to ensure all potential waste streams are identified at an early stage and appropriate measures put in place to promote prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste in line with the waste hierarchy. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | # of assessments undertaken yearly and compliance with best practice guidance for Construction & Demolition waste management. | Mitigation |
Action CE 1.5 Investigate the potential for the reuse of waste materials from roads in new construction projects. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Feasibility assessment completed. | Mitigation |
Objective CE 2 Ensure waste is properly managed and reduce the quantity of waste that is sent to landfill or incinerated. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action CE 2.1 Support the roll out of the segregated brown bin collection systems across the County to enable recovery of biomethane in line with the National Waste Management Plan for a Circular Economy. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | % households with 3 bin collection | Mitigation |
Action CE 2.2 Identify households who currently don't have a standard waste collection service in place, and determine how they are managing their waste. Inspect commercial premises to ensure compliance in relation to waste segregation and in particular food waste. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | # of households engaged with and # of engagements resulting in bin service put in place; # of commercial premises engaged with and the # of commercial premises with 3 bin system in place with an emphasis on management of food waste. | Mitigation |
Action CE 2.3 Carry out inspections of permitted waste collectors and waste facilities and illegal waste activities and carry out enforcement action as required. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | # of compliant Annual Return validations/ verifications completed; Number of inspections and enforcement actions | Mitigation |
4.6. Land Use and Green Infrastructure
Strategic GoalLand Use and Natural Environment: Preserve and enhance our natural environment through the implementation and promotion of sustainable land use practices to protect biodiversity and combat climate change.
Biodiversity and natural habitats in County Galway are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, however, they also have an important role to play in building adaptive capacity. The declaration of a climate change and biodiversity emergency by Dáil Éireann in May 2019 recognises the urgency to act on these interconnected global crises. It is therefore critical to protect, restore, and enhance biodiversity and natural habitats in County Galway in order to increase the resilience of natural and human systems to climate change.
There is consensus that climate change has direct and indirect effects on biodiversity, and that by the end of the 21st century it is likely to become one of the most significant drivers of biodiversity loss. The actions in this section aim to protect against these effects by protecting, conserving, and enhancing County Galway’s biodiversity and heritage, ensuring a safe and healthy environment that is resilient to the effects of climate change and by implementing and supporting effective waste management.
The actions listed below are not exhaustive of all planned climate- related actions with respect to biodiversity and heritage, the forthcoming Biodiversity Plan and Heritage Plan will provide a more comprehensive and co-ordinated viewpoint of these areas.
Photo courtesy of @Kathleen Bell-Bonjean
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 6. Land Use and Natural Environment
Objective LN 1 Support food security and sustainable local food production and ensure a safe and healthy environment that is resilient to the effects of climate change. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action LN 1.1 Support farmers in the shift toward low-carbon and climate-resilient agricultural practices including innovative farming practices such as paludiculture. Work with relevant agencies to develop and implement a joined-up awareness/knowledge transfer strategy for the agricultural and food sectors. Develop a tool kit and training programme for engagement during routine farm visits. | Ongoing | External Agencies | Awareness Strategy and Tool Kit developed. No. of engagements with Farmers and Food Producers. Agricultural Emissions (tonnes per hectare) | Both |
Action LN 1.2 Work with the BIA Innovation Centre to support climate action in the food and agriculture sector. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section, GCC Community and Rural Development | Agricultural Emissions (tonnes per hectare) | Both |
Action LN 1.3 Protect water quality and air quality by carrying out inspections of domestic wastewater treatment systems, discharge licences, farms and fuel suppliers as per national requirements and as required. Support remediation and mitigation measures required to maintain or achieve good or high quality water status in the county including nature based solutions where possible. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section | Number of inspections completed | Both |
Objective LN 2 Protect, conserve and enhance County Galway’s biodiversity and heritage. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action LN 2.1 Identify priority areas appropriate to receiving environment for habitat restoration, enhancement for wildlife and protection for carbon and biodiversity benefits. Work with stakeholders including landowners to identify opportunities to deliver restoration of habitats and landscapes appropriate to the receiving environment. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | Ha identified for protection/restoration; ha protected/restored | Both |
Action LN 2.2 Audit local authority land and buildings, carry out ecological/habitat surveys and highlight areas at risk (as well as areas which are thriving or providing sequestration services) and those suitable for restoration and enhanced carbon storage, community purposes or as wildlife corridors for protection through statutory plans. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | Ha identified for protection/restoration; ha protected/restored | Both |
Action LN 2.3 Conduct a tree cover survey and devise and adopt a tree management policy that recognises the ecosystem services provided by existing woodland habitat and hedgerows and seeks to retain and support such habitats. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | Survey completed; Policy adopted. | Both |
Action LN 2.4 Implement a pesticide and herbicide reduction plan for Galway County Council. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | % reduction pesticide use | Both |
Action LN 2.5 Implement a county-wide pollinator conservation initiative, creating and maintaining pollinator-friendly habitats based on the most up-to-date scientific advice. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Planning Department | County Plan created and implemented. Number of sites included. Actions recorded with NBDC/AIPP | Both |
Action LN 2.6 Develop and implement an updated Heritage and Biodiversity Action Plan to protect and enhance local biodiversity ensuring climate change is factored into the Plan’s development and provides appropriate co-benefits for biodiversity and climate adapation and reslience. | 31/12/2024 | GCC Planning Department | Plan developed and adopted. Annual report completed. | Both |
Action LN 2.7 Support citizen science projects to target climate-sensitive species and habitats. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | Number of citizen science projects supported | Both |
Objective LN 3 Support nature-based solutions to mitigate against and adapt to climate change and provide additional co-benefits. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action LN 3.1 Ensure all LA-led projects consider nature-based solutions including building for biodiversity as appropriate. | Ongoing | GCC Environment Section, GCC Planning Department | Number and description of NBS measures implemented per year | Both |
4.7. Adaptation to Climate Risk
Strategic Goal
Adaptation to Climate Risk: Enhance climate resilience through proactive adaptation measures to safeguard our community’s wellbeing and infrastructure.
Galway County Council is active across all aspects of flood risk management. This includes actions that consider flood risks arising from climate change through development policies, collaboration with the Office of Public Works (OPW) as the lead state agency in relation to flood risk management in Ireland on flood defence projects, own delivery of minor flood defence projects, use of nature-based solutions to manage flood risks, activation of flood emergency response plans, and rebuilding infrastructure in the aftermath of extreme weather events. As we move into a more uncertain weather-related future, this Plan aims to ensure Galway County Council will remain responsive and resilient to the needs of our communities.
Through the Climate Change Risk Assessment undertaken in the development of this Plan, it is evident that already ‘locked in’ climate change will result in greater levels of precipitation and potential flooding, and a greater probability of prolonged dry spells in the coming decades. Through the identification of vulnerable areas and communities, Galway County Council will work to provide the necessary upgrades and projects to ensure that all communities are resilient to these threats.
Galway County Council will endeavour to ensure monitoring arrangements and networks remain fit for purpose, such that the data generated from monitoring, can be used by decision makers such as Local Authority emergency planning teams or Met Éireann flood forecasting teams, EPA air pollution forecasting teams, etc. subject to data sharing agreements.
Photo courtesy of Chaosheng Zhang
Objectives |
SDG Alignment |
Co-Benefits |
Goal 7. Adaptation to Climate Risk
Objective AD 1 Increase the resilience and adaptive capacity of the local authority and the local community to the current and projected impacts of climate change. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action AD 1.1 Collaborate with OPW and other relevant stakeholders in assessing the likely impacts of climate change including sea level rise and coastal erosion and flooding, on the built environment and heritage sites. Prioritise areas for further assessment and seek funding/support to mitigate the risk. Assist CARO in the development of a register of critical infrastructure, systems and assets at risk from existing and projected climate events. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Environment Section | Assessment Complete. Register Developed. Areas prioritised. Funding sought. Projects implemented. | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.2 Collaborate with Government organisations to provide capital measures for identified priority areas incorporating nature based solutions, biodiversity and water quality enhancement. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department, GCC Environment Section | Funding received. Areas protected. | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.3 Ensure the continued incorporation of Flood Risk Management and Climate Change Sectoral Adaptation Plans into the spatial planning of the County, having due regard to the need to promote nature based solutions and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), and environmental sensitivities at these locations. Galway County Council will carry out long term multi decadal spatial planning on flooding and sea level rise to inform settlement strategy and will seek technical advice from OPW. | Ongoing | GCC Planning Department | Adoption of CDP/LAPs | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.4 Develop and implement annual Climate Adaptation Strategies for Regional and Local Roads. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Annual strategies developed and implemented. | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.5 Identify and implement operational measures necessary to protect critical infrastructure/equipment from climate events, and develop any necessary maintenance/upgrade programmes to address climate risk. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Operational measures identified and annual programme implemented. | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.6 Promote and encourage community involvement in the retrofit of SuDS in existing developments, maintaining community rain gardens, discourage hard paving in gardens and retrofit raingardens / water butt installations. | Ongoing | Multiple Partners | No of promotional initiatives (social media posts, articles etc) and engagement events per year. | Both |
Action AD 1.7 Work with the OPW and other stakeholders to identify and support Minor and Major Flood Protection and Flood Proofing Schemes throughout the county that supports Nature Based Solutions to increase co benefits. | Ongoing | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Number of projects completed. Funding spent. | Adaptation |
Action AD 1.8 Support private group water schemes to identify drinking water sources vulnerable to climate change and to develop source protection or alternative sources in order to maintain water quantity and quality levels | 31/12/2024 | GCC Water Services | Number of GWS supported. | Adaptation |
Objective AD 2 Ensure an appropriate, coordinated and resourced Emergency Response during climate-related emergencies and events. | ||||
Action | Due Date | Lead Partner | KPI | Adaptation / Mitigation |
Action AD 2.1 Review Major Emergency Plan and other relevant risk management plans to ensure incorporation of up-to-date climate risk information | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Plans Updated. | Both |
Action AD 2.2 Identify contingency plans for climate events that have the potential to impact critical infrastructure, the failure of which would have major consequences and/or a cascading effect on other services. Prepare strategic wildfire management plan for high-risk areas. Provide clear communication to communities. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Emergency Services, GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Contingency plans developed. | Adaptation |
Action AD 2.3 Review countywide low temperature (snow & frost) policies for roads and footpaths. | 31/12/2025 | GCC Infrastructure and Operations Department | Policies reviewed. | Adaptation |
Action AD 2.4 Capture the impact of extreme weather events by integrating existing incident recording and management systems including WIRE and SWEMS, carry out training and record incidents. | Ongoing | Multiple Partners | WIRE and SWEMS integrated | Adaptation |