Part 8 LA09/21 - Development of 31 no. houses at Coill Bhruachláin, Gort Uí Lochlainn, Moycullen, Co. Galway - Outcomes

Closed14 May, 2021, 09:00 - 23 Jun, 2021, 16:51

Primary tabs

The consultation

It has come to our attention that the current Part 8 application LA 09/21 should have referred to Maigh Cuilinn throughout, in keeping with Galway County Council's Scéim Teanga.



We confirm now that we are withdrawing our Part 8 application LA09/21.


A new application with identical proposals will be lodged tomorrow 24th June 2021

The only amendment to the documents is the amendment of the placename. And we have also taken the opportunity to include a translation of the non-technical information into Irish in line our Scéim Teanga

Your views and suggestions

It has come to our attention that the current Part 8 application LA 09/21 should have referred to Maigh Cuilinn throughout, in keeping with Galway County Council's Scéim Teanga.



We confirm now that we are withdrawing our Part 8 application LA09/21.


A new application with identical proposals will be lodged tomorrow 24th June 2021

The only amendment to the documents is the amendment of the placename. And we have also taken the opportunity to include a translation of the non-technical information into Irish in line our Scéim Teanga


It has come to our attention that the current Part 8 application LA 09/21 should have referred to Maigh Cuilinn throughout, in keeping with Galway County Council's Scéim Teanga.



We confirm now that we are withdrawing our Part 8 application LA09/21.


A new application with identical proposals will be lodged tomorrow 24th June 2021

The only amendment to the documents is the amendment of the placename. And we have also taken the opportunity to include a translation of the non-technical information into Irish in line our Scéim Teanga


General Submission
